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Mar. 25., 2007 | 01:40 pm
posted by: nenormaaliigaa in pajautaa

Kādēļ cilvēkiem dzīves laikā izmainās acu krāsa?
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Comments {9}


from: [info]morphine
date: Mar. 25., 2007 - 02:38 pm

Vikipēdija šoreiz piedāvā ļoti skopu informāciju, bet te nu viņa ir : "Typically, caucasian newborns have blue eyes, which change to green, light blue, light brown and dark brown, as they grow older. It is thought that exposure to light after birth triggers the production of melanin in the iris of the eye. By three years of age, the eyes produce and store enough melanin to have their natural shade. While changes in eye color of infants are more common, even in adults, eye color changes in approximately 12% of the people as they get older."

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Jēzus līgava

from: [info]nenormaaliigaa
date: Mar. 25., 2007 - 09:30 pm

Nja, nu to jau es apmēram arī zināju. BEt šī atbilde mani neapmierina pilnībā. Būs laikam jāpainteresējas pie speciālista.

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from: [info]perspektliiva
date: Mar. 25., 2007 - 10:44 pm

Interese: Tev ļoti, manāmi mainījusies?

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Jēzus līgava

from: [info]nenormaaliigaa
date: Mar. 25., 2007 - 11:39 pm

Nu...visu, ko varēju pateikt, pateicu savā pēdējā postā manā žurnālā.

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