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Sep. 8., 2006 | 11:24 am
posted by: aiz in pajautaa

Vai Jums ir kāda no šīm filmām iekš CD, angļu valodā?


A la folie... pas du tout (He Loves Me... He Loves Me Not)

Beyond Borders

Breaking The Waves

Bringing Out The Dead

Cold Mountain

Dot The I

Failure To Launch

Family Stone


In America

Life As A House

Sea Inside

The House of Mirth

United 93

You And Me And Everyone We Know


Labprāt aizņemtos.

Pretī varētu aizdot kādu/ kādas no savas kolekcijas:



Alfie (DVD)


Annie Hall

Artificial Intelligence

Before Sunset

Big Fish

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason

Cube 3 (Zero Cube)

Down With Love

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Girl Next Door

I Am Sam

In Good Company

Just Like Heaven

Life Is Wonderful

Love Actually

Love Song For Bobby Long

My Life Without Me

Patch Adams

Pay It Forward



Stay (DVD)

The Butterfly Effect

The Island (DVD)

The Notebook

The Others

The Pianist (The Piano Teacher)

The Terminal

The United States of Leland

What the Dreams May Come

When a Man Loves a Woman


Ikdienā atrodos centrā, tur arī varam samainīties ar diskiem.

Caur i-netu šoreiz nederēs...

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Comments {12}

from: [info]nulle
date: Sep. 8., 2006 - 12:23 pm

paldies, nekā tāda neatrodu, bet tas nekas :)

/tikai, vai angliski, tas jaanoskaidro. Bet ne aatraak kaa naakamnedeelj sanaak.

Atbildēt | Iepriekšējais | Diskusija


from: [info]aiz
date: Sep. 8., 2006 - 12:31 pm

No rush :)

Paskaties gan par to angļu valodu. Un dod ziņu: aiz at safemail punkts el vē

Atbildēt | Iepriekšējais | Diskusija

from: [info]nulle
date: Sep. 8., 2006 - 02:10 pm

lab :)

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from: [info]nulle
date: Sep. 11., 2006 - 05:43 pm

sorryyy, krieviski (diktors). Izrādījās pat, ka esmu skatījies (un neatcerējos).

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