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Jul. 7., 2006 | 08:11 pm
posted by: alisons in pajautaa

Klau, ko jūs zitāt par freonu??? Uzsprāga ledusskapja saldējamā kamera... Viss melns, labi, ka dzīvoklis neizdega, bet vai tas mēsls, kas tur iekšā pildīts cilvēkam ir indīgs??? Un kur to vraku likt????

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Comments {4}


from: [info]mazais_samurajs
date: Jul. 7., 2006 - 09:12 pm

Freon in copper tubing open to the environment can turn into phosgene gas after coming in contact with extreme heat, such as while brazing or in a fire situation. Phosgene is a substance that was used as a chemical weapon in World War I. Low exposure can cause irritation, but high levels cause fluid to collect in the lungs, possibly resulting in death.
