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Aug. 9., 2019 | 05:01 pm
posted by: lavendera in pajautaa

Lasīju kādā sieviešu žurnālā par gaileņu zibenīgu atgružošanu ar aukstu ūdeni un miltiem, bet nevaru atrast, kur to esmu pierakstījusi. Kāds bija pareizs process?

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Comments {2}


from: [info]aai
date: Aug. 21., 2019 - 04:38 pm

Ieintriģēja un iegooglēju :-)
Te ir viena versija:

Washing mushrooms works as follows:

Pour cold water into a bowl
Add the flour and lemon juice and mix well.
Wash the chanterelles briefly in a mixture of flour, water and lemon juice.
Then wash the mushrooms under running water and dry them.

What’s happening? The flour binds the dirt in the water, the lemon juice removes the surface tension from the water. So dirty mushrooms become clean.

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from: [info]lavendera
date: Aug. 21., 2019 - 05:09 pm

Paldies! Es lasīju kādā latviešu žurnālā, tur nebija citrona sulas

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