muzons - October 25th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 25th, 2010

Conjure One - Exilarch [Oct. 25th, 2010|06:49 pm]


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Conjure One - Exilarch
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Sylvain Chauveau – Singular Forms (2010) [Oct. 25th, 2010|10:06 pm]


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Improbable as it may seem, 'Singular Forms (Sometimes Repeated)' is Sylvain Chauveau's first album of new material in five years, and if you've ever found yourself marvelling at the music of David Sylvian, or indeed the solo work of Martin Gore - this album will blow your mind, referencing both artists combined with a stripped Piano/Electronic arrangement reminiscent of Alva Noto's work with Ryuichi Sakamoto. Chauveau presents a collection of his own songwriting, one that's presented stripped of orchestration and the trappings of his contemporary-classical compositions. What's left is piano, some strictly minimal electronics and a free-roaming central vocal.

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N*E*R*D- Nothing (2010) [Oct. 25th, 2010|10:38 pm]


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On September 30, 2010, in a interview with Mark Hoppus on A Different Spin with Mark Hoppus, Pharrell explained the album cover as "a mix of so many things. The feathers represent the peace, and the helmet represents the war. It's like where we are right now. There's a lot of war, that people can't necessarily explain. The economy sucks, girls are still beautiful. We wanted to make music that reflected that. So people can look back twenty years from now, and say 'this is what was going on'."

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COIL - "The Snow (Remixes)" - visas 3 ATŠĶIRĪGĀS CD versijas (1991-1995) [Oct. 25th, 2010|10:57 pm]
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[mood |fucked-up]
[music |Rozz Williams - "The Winner Takes It All" (ABBA cover)]

COIL - "The Snow (Remixes)" - visas 3 atšķirīgās CD versijas (1991-1995)

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Informācija (sīkāka) par šo ierakstu iepriekšējos postos par vinilu versijām:

Šeit informācija tikai par šo postu. Vienā arhīvā ir trīs ATŠĶIRĪGĀS (tā jau ir vēl vairāk) "The Snow EP" CD versijas:

COIL - "The Snow" CDEP - 1991 (Torso [CD180] / Wax Trax! [WAXCD 9144]) - 6 tracks (192 kbps)

COIL - "The Snow" CDEP - 1992 (TVT Records (ex-Wax Trax! Records) [TVT 8644]) - 7 tracks (128 kbps)

COIL - "Windowpane & The Snow" CD - 1995 (Threshold House [Coil] - LOCI CD 7) - 9 tracks (256 kbps)


Nākamreiz beidzot nākamais COIL albums "L.S.D. jeb Love's Secret Domain" (gan LP gan CD versija, nezinu tik vai vienā vai atsevišķos postos).
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