muzons - October 26th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 26th, 2010

c418 -Life Changing Moments Seem Minor in Pictures [Oct. 26th, 2010|10:54 am]
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Life Changing Moments and so on 


Days before the release, I was at the Berlin indie game jam, trying to enjoy myself. At one of the later days, I received a phone call, stating that I was supposed to quit my job and find a civilian service thingie for the next 6 months. All in short notice. I was a bit baffled by that sudden change in my life. You see, I thought I would work on the boring but paying job I’m at for more than two years. And now I’m supposed to leave this all behind, ending up with no job thanks to our government system.

This was all a bit too much for me, and instead of searching a civil thingie place, I decided to put the last 6 months of work into this album.


MP3 V0                     TORRENT                             MY SERVER
FLAC                         TORRENT                             MY SERVER

Ja nu tomēr rodas velme noklausīties pirms novelkam, tad ejam uz bandcamp saiti.
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smoosh, Withershins , 2010. [Oct. 26th, 2010|11:36 am]
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Jā, un vēl šis. Pirmais treks.
Withershins Cover Art

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n5MD-MMX, n5MD-I WONDER IF THIS IS THE PALCE [Oct. 26th, 2010|12:57 pm]
MMX Cover Art

I Wonder if This is the Place Cover Art
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Kāpēc neslēgt līgumu ar AKKA/LAA [Oct. 26th, 2010|05:31 pm]
Viedoklis par tēmu:
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ko līdzīgu. [Oct. 26th, 2010|07:09 pm]


Kāds skaņu pazinējs varbūt var ieteikt ko līdzīgu pēc noskaņas šajā gabalā dzirdamam mūzikas gabalam?

klipā ir Matias Aguayo "Rollerskate". pats tādus pasākumus neklausos, nezinu, ko kur meklēt.

skaņu arī vajag edita backgroundam.
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Tindersticks "The Bloomsbury Theatre" [2002] [Oct. 26th, 2010|11:35 pm]


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Dižās notingemiešu grupas koncertieraksts ar orķestri. Mūzika oktobra naktīm.
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