muzons - September 16th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 16th, 2010

VA - Minimal Piano Collection (performed by Jaroen Van Veen) [Sep. 16th, 2010|12:54 am]


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9CD izdevums ar Arvo Part, Philip Glass, John Cage, Freidrich Nietsche, Terry Riley utml. čuvaku muzonu ar noslieci uz minimālismu.
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La Monte Young - The Well-Tuned Piano 81 X 25, 6:17:50 - 11:18:59 PM NYC (FLAC) [Sep. 16th, 2010|02:50 pm]


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turpinot ar klavierēm un minimālismu, viens no Lamontes Janga vispazīstamākajiem gabaliem 6 stundu garumā (5 disku box).

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Phosphorescent - Here's To Taking It Easy (2010) [Sep. 16th, 2010|05:52 pm]


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Phosphorescent  is the solo project of Matthew Houck, an artist based in Brooklyn, New York. To date, Houck has released five full-length albums under the Phosphorescent moniker.

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Deerhunter - Halcyon Digest (2010) [Sep. 16th, 2010|08:58 pm]


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Halcyon Digest is the upcoming fourth studio album by American indie rock band Deerhunter. About the title, Cox stated "The album's title is a reference to a collection of fond memories and even invented ones, like my friendship with Ricky Wilson or the fact that I live in an abandoned victorian autoharp  factory. The way that we write and rewrite and edit our memories to be a digest version of what we want to remember, and how that's kind of sad."

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syndrome & de7s - utopija [2010] [Sep. 16th, 2010|10:06 pm]
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de7s dzejas krājums 'utopija' autora lasijumā, pavadijums - syndrome

mītavas/rīgas/ādažu improvizācijas kolektīva 5 albōms 13 gadu pastāvēšanas laikā
01 - syndrome - dzeltens vējš sarkana dūmaka [live@radionaba 17.04.2008]
02 - syndrome & de7s - zaļais putenis. dubultīgi lēni [live in mitau 16.01.2010]
03 - syndrome & de7s - zilais marta vidus [live in mitau 16.01.2010]
04 - syndrome & de7s - knuniedmrlrsn [live in mitau 16.01.2010]

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