muzons - January 18th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 18th, 2010

Shout Out Louds – Work (2010) [Jan. 18th, 2010|03:17 am]
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[music |Walls]

Work is the third full-length from Sweden's Shout Out Louds. Produced by Phil Ek (Fleet Foxes, The Shins), Work strips away all of the bells and whistles of previous efforts to showcase the band doing what they do best, writing and playing pop music that is "nostalgic and angst-ridden, but ultimately life-affirming. Shout Out Louds have found a winning formula."

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Autour de Lucie - Faux Mouvement (2000) [Jan. 18th, 2010|09:12 am]


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