[Dec. 1st, 2009|08:35 am] |
Food for Animals - noizīgs hiphops ar spēcīgiem breakbeat bītiem, brīžiem atgādina swisahouse mashups, bet pārsvarā jāpietur galva, lai nenokristu. Zem bildes 2004 g. ep un 2008. g albums Belly. Viddy
Big Black |
[Dec. 1st, 2009|10:11 am] |
divi pēc manām domām labākie hardcore/noisecore albumi pasaulē
Big Black - Atomizer [1986, Homestead]
Big Black - Songs About Fucking [1987, Touch & Go]
Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest (2009) |
[Dec. 1st, 2009|10:15 am] |
Grizzly Bear is a four-piece psychedelic/experimental pop band from Brooklyn, New York. Their music utilizes melody and ambiance in conjunction with hazy-eyed choruses, whistles, piano, banjo, and several woodwind instruments.
Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix (2009) |
[Dec. 1st, 2009|05:38 pm] |
BLOOD - Massacre 7" - 2001 [Ketzer Records (Self-released)] first press., blue vinyl, lim.500, autog |
[Dec. 1st, 2009|09:30 pm] |
[ | music |
| | ALICE IN CHAINS - "Bleed The Freak" (live in Toronto, Canada | ] | Šovakar - vācu grind/death "blice" BLOOD (vispār viena no pirmajām grupām šajā žanrā, jo darbojas kopš 1986 gada). Ceru ka ANTIREALITY neapvainosies, ka bez viņa atļaujas izlieku vecos "lebumus" (neuztraucies, būs arī tevis iecienītie ORAL NOISE.:))) Tātad:
BLOOD - Massacre 7" - 2001 [Ketzer Records (Self-released)] first pressing on blue vinyl limited to 500 copies, and if someone gives a damn - digitalized from autographed vinyl (see back cover photo). Second pressing was on green vinyl limited to 500 copies. Material actually recorded in 2000.
Šis ir BLOOD līdz šim priekšpēdējais ieraksts (pēdējais bija 2003.gada albums, lai gan grupa nav izjukusi) un prieks, ka vismaz šajā EP viņi atgriezušies vairāk pie savām grind saknēm (lai gan jāatzīstas, ka grupas plašo diskogrāfiju pārzinu visai pavirši). |
The Big Pink - A Brief History of Love (2009) |
[Dec. 1st, 2009|10:06 pm] |
COIL - "Gold Is The Metal (With The Broadest Sholders)" LP + "The Wheel / The Wheal" 7" - 1987 [Thre |
[Dec. 1st, 2009|10:47 pm] |
[ | music |
| | ALICE IN CHAINS - Love, Hate, Love (Live USA 1992?) | ] | Nākamā sērija:
COIL - "Gold Is The Metal (With The Broadest Sholders)" LP + "The Wheel / The Wheal" 7" - 1987 [Threshold House (LOCI 1 & 2)], lim. < 500 copies
Vairāk informācijas: http://klab.lv/users/cloud_zero/59491.html |