CannibalSmith (cannibalsmith) rakstīja koderi kopienā, @ 2007-04-15 16:22:00 |
Garastāvoklis: | angry |
Control Arrays in Visual Basic .NET
Hyaaargh!! Kāpēc VB.NET nav control arrays!? Situācija: man ir kaudze ar ProgressBar'iem - Progress1, Progress2, utt.Me.Controls("Progress" & index).Maximum = whatever
Error: Maximum is not a member of Control.
Kā lai eleganti sanumurē viņus? Es negribu darīt šādi:
Private Progresi(99) as ProgressBar Sub Form_Load(...) Progresi(0) = Progress1 Progresi(1) = Progress2 utt.
instanci un konstruktoram iebaro norādi uz formas Controls
kolekciju un kopīgo daļu kontrolu nosaukumā ("Label"). Pēc tam rīkojies kā ar parastu masīvu. Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports System.Windows.Forms.Control Public Class ControlArray(Of T As Control) Private MyArray() As Control Public ReadOnly Length As Integer Public Sub New(ByRef Controls As ControlCollection, ByVal Name As String) ReDim MyArray(Controls.Count - 1) For i As Integer = 1 To Controls.Count MyArray(i - 1) = Controls(Name & i) If MyArray(i - 1) Is Nothing Then ReDim Preserve MyArray(i - 2) Length = i - 1 Exit For End If Next End Sub Default Public ReadOnly Property At(ByVal Index As Integer) As T Get Return MyArray(Index) End Get End Property End Class