Grrr ([info]grrr) rakstīja [info]koderi kopienā,
@ 2004-10-28 23:07:00

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Here's the rest of the file. Wow.

//This file was written by XXXX Pro to make C++ easier for Pascal programmers.

#define begin {
#define end }
#define Begin {
#define End }
#define BEGIN void main() {
#define END. }
#define Procedure void
#define Function
#define and &&
#define or ||
#define not !
#define shl <<
#define shr >>
#define record struct {
#define then

typedef integer int;
typedef shortint short int;
typedef longint long int;
typedef byte unsigned short int;
typedef word unsigned int;
typedef dword unsigned long int;
typedef real float;
typedef string char;
typedef pointer void*;

# re: #include "pascal.h" 10/27/2004 3:22 PM Jeff S

It's funny to see things defined as nothing, so they are ignored. Aparently for nice-reading code. This gives me some good ideas; you could do:

#define please
#define also
#define thanks
#define let

then you can write code like:

also please let a = 1 thanks

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