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Tulka / tulkotāja rokasgrāmata - forms of life
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forms of life
Kā latviski tulkot šajos citātos lietoto forms of life?

We must construct different social relations and new forms of life: we must have much love for the present and much inventiveness. Therefore, the conflict will begin in order to preserve that “new” that it has instituted in the process. Violence, if there is violence, is not directed toward tomorrows, but rather at prolonging what already exists, even if informally.

The salient point of “ius resistentiae”, which constitutes its principal interest in terms of the question of legality or illegality, is the defense of an effective, tangible, “already” accomplished transformation of the forms of life.
gedimmteversion From: [info]gedimmteversion Date: 16. Janvāris 2012 - 01:31 (Pastāvīgā saite)
šis ir tas gadījums, kad var tulk. burtiski 'dzīves formas' (tas ir Vitgenšteina termins 'Lebensform', cik man zināms, arī franči kalkē kā formes de vie.)
no_saules_zemes From: [info]no_saules_zemes Date: 16. Janvāris 2012 - 09:22 (Pastāvīgā saite)
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