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Tulka / tulkotāja rokasgrāmata - 17. Marts 2009
throw up hands

The large proportion of them took 30 cents on the dollar. And the IMF threw up its hands and could not do anything.

ko nozīmē threw up its hands? nospļāvās? padevās? atmeta ar roku?
Joseph Schumpeter
Džozefs vai Jozefs? Dažādos avotos raksta dažādi.
Sveiki! Lūdzu palīdziet iztulkot šo gabaliņu:

"In the mid 1980s the type industry was revolutionized by the introduction of the independent typesetting software PostScript. This invention by the Californian company Adobe systems meant that pages of type could now be printed on any output capable of reading that language. PostScript typesetting software's influence grew as the industry standard overturned the traditional role of the type designer forever."

No teksta konteksta nojaušu, ka Adobes kompānijas jaunieviesums atviegloja kaut ko drukāšanas procesos. Bet Google Postscript programmu saista ar kaut kādām programmēšanas valodām... kāda īsti ir tā ideja un kā Jūs tulkotu izcelto teikumu?
Piezīmes tulkošanas procesā
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