Ervīns ([info]freakart) rakstīja [info]dizains kopienā,
@ 2009-12-03 11:17:00

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The web was still young, it was the early days of Netscape Navigator

We prepared a photoshopped design proposal for the upcoming brandnew website of a corporation: Black text on white pages, with headlines and links using the corporate design colors.

The CEO replied: “You guys are amateurs! Swindlers! I showed this to my son, he knows HTML. This isn’t possible! Everybody knows that in Netscape, pages are gray, links are blue and visited links are purple.”

(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2009-12-03 15:47 (saite)
Tas saits man liek just bailes no nākotnes profesijas.

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