20 July 2009 @ 08:41 am
Hey Stupid, The New World Order IS About Religion  
By Sherry Shriner

With thunderous applause liberty dies and those who fight to maintain liberty can't even grasp the entire picture of what the fight is about.

I don't know how many times I have seen patriots get angry or enraged in public forums because the mention of God is made when it comes to the New World Order. They proclaim the New World Order is about politics and not religion as they task away at bits and pieces exposing the lies and deceptions of the order. How shocked will they be to find out soon enough that the New World Order is a politicalization of religion and that the two can't and won't be separated.

The entire purpose of the New World Order is to bring Lucifer down to earth and enforce worldwide worship of him as God. Satan's right hand man on earth whom the Bible calls the False Prophet, will implement and enforce worldwide worship of Lucifer as God. The Bible refers to them as beasts because that is exactly what they are.

Most know Lucifer as one of these last days beast's as the Antichrist. The occultic groups call him "the One" or the "God of Light." Some say Lucifer will just arrive as himself masquerading as an angelic being, others declare it will be a human political or religious figure who dies and then comes back to life and then visibly descends to earth from heaven.

The New World Order is about dictatorial control. Not just here in America or over America, but an order which will govern over the entire world as a 4th Reich. It is about worldwide government and control over the masses. It is about one leader rising to take rule and control over all the governments of the world and the nations. And for what? Worship. Not just to lead a dictatorial world empire, but to be worshipped as God. You cannot separate politics and religion with the New World Order. Neither can you understand what it really is by ignoring the religious aspect.

The Bible is far ahead of any political or economic analyst today. It forewarned about the last days rise of a one world government. In fact the political leader is referred to as the False Prophet and he makes proclamations that the entire world must implement:

In Revelation 13:14-18

And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

And no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

The leader of the New World Order will have the legislative authority over the nations to force them to adhere to the rules of the order.

He will pull his political authority and weight over them and demand legislation be passed that calls for an image, statue, or monument of some kind be erected of the descended or resurrected beast and demand that every person on the planet bow down and worship the image of this beast.

Worship of this beast will be enforced through worldwide legislation. And anyone who refuses to bow at this image will be killed. It will be a mandatory death sentence for those who refuse.

Another act of legislation that will be implemented and enforced worldwide is that every person born will have to get this beast's name, number, or image put on or in their right hand or forehead. Most people believe this will be some kind of implantable chip that they are conditioning the masses with now as they promote the health advantages and consumer aspects of it to gain acceptance and popularity.

Eventually, this mark, number or name of the beast will become mandatory. Those who refuse to get it will not be able to buy or sell anything worldwide. You won't be able to buy food, clothes, gas, oil, deposit money or withdraw money from the banks, you literally will be held hostage to having to get this chip to survive.

But many will refuse. Why? Because the Bible and the Prophets have forewarned that anyone who receives the mark of the beast or worships his image will be cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. When you die, your body may experience physical death but your spirit is still alive, and this is the judgment for those who worship the beast and join his Satanic kingdom on earth (Revelation 19:20). Upon their physical death here on Earth, they are cast alive into a lake of fire.

Those in the New World Order who are in control of most of the governments of the world already today declare that to become a citizen of this order will require a Luciferian oath.

Accordingly those in the implementation stages proclaim:

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation."
---David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

Amongst all the global governing changes and wars that are taking place to accommodate this New World Order many are overlooking the most dominant aspect of it, its religious and occultic nature.

The New World Order IS about religion. It is about worshipping Lucifer.

Wake up folks!

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sickboy[info]sickboy on July 20th, 2009 - 04:00 pm
Pēc šīs logjikas sanaak, ka labaak bija Jeezus religjiju vispaar nesludinaat, jo tas paglaabtu tos miljonus un miljardus no muuzhiigas elles, jo patiesi tikai nieciigs procents no visiem, kas dzird, ir speejiigi pa iistam sekot. Sirds vaajuma deelj un apkaarteejaas samaitaatiibas iespaidaa.
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[info]po on July 20th, 2009 - 04:11 pm
Kā gan tas paglābtu?
Ja Jēzus nebūtu nomiris par mūsu grēkiem, tad visi pazustu, jo nebūtu ceļa. Bet Jēzus Kristus ir ceļš, dzīvība un patiesība. Protams, daudzi ir tik ļoti pieķērušies pasaulei un dēmoniskiem darbiem, ka nespēj izšķirties par labu patiesībai pat tad, kad to ierauga, bet tāda ir cilvēka brīvā griba. Jo brīvā griba nozīmē tikai un vienīgi vienu lietu - izšķiršanos par labu Dievam vai sātanam (lasi: sev).
Turklāt šajos pēdējos laikos sātans ir pamatīgi sasparojies un pēdējos 100 gados savairojis šausmīgi daudz kārdinājumu un maldu ceļu. Piem., sešdesmitajos aiztransportējot uz rietumiem dēmoniskās hinduiešu guru mācības. Šis ir pārbaudījumu laiks un kas gan tas būtu par pārbaudījumu, ja tas neprasītu nekādu savas brīvās gribas praktizēšanu?
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sickboy[info]sickboy on July 20th, 2009 - 04:19 pm
Ir kristieši man teikuši: nav citaas religjijaas analoga, kur dzheks nomirtu un augshaamceltos. Interesanti, ka vaishnavismaa ir analogs Haridaas Thaakurs, kuru sita liidz naavei musulmanju valdiiba par to, ka vinjsh daudzinaaja hari vaardu un sludinaaja, lai gan bija dzimis musulmanis. Beigaas siteeji luudzaas, lai vinjsh mirst, jo vinjsh nekaadi nemira. Tad vinjsh it kaa nomira, vinju iemeta upee un vinjsh izkaapa preteejaa krastaa un turpinaaja sludinaat. Tad musulmanju valdniekam naaca atklaasme, ka ja nu tas tieshaam ir Dieva cilveeks. Jeezus teica ir 2 pamatbaushlji, kurtiem visi paareejie ir pakaartoti: miili Dievu no visa speeka un saprashanas un miili tuvaako kaa sevi pashu. Shii ir taa jeega. Ja kaads patiesi censhas attiistiities shajaa virzienaa, nav svariigi vai pasaule vinju sauc par krishnaiitu, kristieti vai musulmani - vinjsh ir Dieva cilveeks.
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[info]po on July 20th, 2009 - 04:28 pm
Bet kā Tu vari runāt par Jēzu Kristu, neatzīstot Bībeli? Bez Bībeles nav ne Kristus, ne grēku piedošanas, ne Dieva.
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sickboy[info]sickboy on July 20th, 2009 - 04:33 pm
Taapeec, ka Jeezum nebija sakara ar apustuli Paavilu, kursh bija pashpasludinaatais triispadsmitais (!) apustulis, kura maaciiba atshkiras no Jeezus maaciibas un tam, kam ticeeja Jeezus sekotaaji. Taapat kaa Juuda tika Saatana izmantots, lai nogalinaatu Kristu, Paavils tika izmantots, lai nogalinaatu tiiro Kristus maaciibu. Bazniicaas 90% ka citee Paavilu nevis Kristu.
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[info]po on July 20th, 2009 - 04:51 pm
Jēzus Kristus pats personīgi iecēla Pāvilu par apustuli, lai nestu mācību pagāniem. Visā Bībelē nav nevienas īstas pretrunas, tai skaitā Pāvila vēstulēs.
Re, ko sātans atkal uzcepis. Es teiktu - neviens uz tādām muļķībām neuzķertos, bet redz', ka uzķeras. Bet nu - kāda starpība, kuru Bībeles daļu noliedz neticīgie? Neticīgie taču tāpat netic. Bet tos, kuri tic, neviens nepiemānīs.
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sickboy[info]sickboy on July 21st, 2009 - 02:47 am
Vnk izlasi shito: http://www.justgivemethetruth.com/zeoli.htm
te ir patiesiiba. pienjem vai nepienjem, tas tavaa zinjaa.
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[info]po on July 21st, 2009 - 10:52 am
Pirmā puse tā teksta ir par apustuli Pāvilu, otrā puse ir vispār par kko citu. OK.
Lielāko daļu tās pirmās puses autors vnk atkārto un atkārto, ka Jēzus, nevis Pāvils, Jēzus nevis Pāvils!!! Un neko tā arī nepasaka. Nekādu pierādījumu.
Starp "pierādījumiem" ir tas, ka Pāvils nesludina Toru jeb Veco Derību. Nuja - Vecā Derība bija likums Izraēlam līdz Kristum, likums, kura šķietami bezjēdzīgie rituāli un spaidi kalpoja diviem mērķiem: lai parādītu, ka mēs visi esam grēcīgi un tam, lai ilustrētu gaidāmo Kristus upuri. Kristus piepildīja Veco Derību - viss, cauri! Sludināt pagānu tautām Veco Derību būtu bijis kā tagad, mācot medicīnu pirmkursniekiem, vispirms iemācīt visas aplamās ārstniecības metodes, lai ceturtajā kursā triumfētu ar jaunākajiem medicīnas atklājumiem, kad visi jau tāpat to lieto to jauno medicīnu. Ir vēl cilvēki, kas dzīvo pēc Vecās Derības un neatzīst Jēzu Kristu, un paši viņi sevi par sodību. Pāvils sludina pagāniem Kristu. Sludinot Izraēla ciltīm, viņš runāja no Vecās Derības tekstiem, jo tie visi pasludina Kristu. Pagāniem pietiek ar Kristus augšāmcelšanās vēsti.
Nu, īsāk sakot - nonsenss.
Tad vēl tur visa viņa tēze balstās laikam divos faktos: Pāvils esot bijis telšu meistars (nu un tad? dismissed!) un vienā Pāvila rakstītā pantā par to, ka vajag palīdzēt savam tuvākajam un stiprināt viņu (nu, get sīrias, te ir runa par brāļiem Kristū, kamēr Jēzus vispār tusēja ar pašiem grēcīgākajiem un netīrākajiem. šitas netur NEKĀDU ūdeni).
Un tā viss tas teksts ir pilnīgi 0 vērts.

Un kā Tu vispār vari teikt kko par Bībeli, ja netici, ka tā runā patiesību?
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[info]po on July 21st, 2009 - 11:11 am
Nu jā, un, protams, ir virkne pierādījumu pretējam jeb patiesībai :) Tipa - visi apustuļi atzina Pāvilu, t.s. Apustuļu Darbu grāmatu ir sarakstījis Lūka, tā atzīstot Pāvilu. Ar to jau vien vajadzētu pietikt, lai sagrautu tā jocīgā čuvaka jocīgo pozīciju.
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sickboy[info]sickboy on July 21st, 2009 - 01:50 pm
Sagrozītās kristietības (kurai nav sakara ar Jēzus mācību) problēma ir pestīšanas ideologjija, kur pestīšana faktiski nozīmē pieņemt pozu: Jēzus ir miris par mūsu grēkiem un cilvēkam nekas nav jādara. Bet tā tas reāli notiek. Vai tiešām Dievs no cilvēka vēlas pozu?
Manuprāt pestīšana nozīmē, kad cilvēks seko Jēzus mācībai, kas faktiski un prakstiski neatšķiras no Bhagavadgītas mācības un, kad cilvēks ir sasniedzis garīgās realizācijas, viņš jūt pateicību savam skolotājam Kristum par pestīšanu. Tā tas notiek austrumos ar Guru un skolnieka principu.
Tas ir daudz logjiskaak, daudz cilveeciigaak un jeedziigaak un taa mees varam ieraudziit Dieva jeegu pasaulee plashaak, nevis tikai ienjemt kaut kaadu fanaatisku pozu, musulmanji u.c. arii ienjem savas pozas un citi un peec tam visi nogalina viens otru.
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[info]po on July 21st, 2009 - 02:09 pm
Tātad Jēzus Kristus nāve un viss Izraēla tautas liktenis, viss Dieva darbs ir bijis absolūti veltīgs.
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