Faith Club
Faith Club
26. Jūnijs 2018
- 2018.06.26, 08:30
- Tas kas šobrīd notiek ar Amerikas pārņemšanu oligarhu rokās (1%) - kas sākās ar publisko pakalpojumu privatizāciju, ar nodokļu samazināšanu bagātniekiem, sociālo programmu griešanu, īstenībā ir process ar vienu mērķi: kā moderno demokrātiju pārvērst atpakaļ par feodālismu un despotismu. Tā ir oligarhiskā revolūcija.
"Buchanan’s ideas began to have huge impact, especially in America and in Britain. In his home country, the economist was deeply involved in efforts to cut taxes on the wealthy in 1970s and 1980s and he advised proponents of Reagan Revolution in their quest to unleash markets and posit government as the “problem” rather than the “solution.” The Koch-funded Virginia school coached scholars, lawyers, politicians, and business people to apply stark right-wing perspectives on everything from deficits to taxes to school privatization. In Britain, Buchanan’s work helped to inspire the public sector reforms of Margaret Thatcher and her political progeny."
"[...] in South America, Buchanan was able to first truly set his ideas in motion by helping a bare-knuckles dictatorship ensure the permanence of much of the radical transformation it inflicted on a country that had been a beacon of social progress. [...] With his guidance, the military junta deployed public choice economics in the creation of a new constitution, which required balanced budgets and thereby prevented the government from spending to meet public needs. Supermajorities would be required for any changes of substance, leaving the public little recourse to challenge programs like the privatization of social security.
"The dictator’s human rights abuses and pillage of the country’s resources did not seem to bother Buchanan, MacLean argues, so long as the wealthy got their way. “Despotism may be the only organizational alternative to the political structure that we observe,” the economist had written in The Limits of Liberty. If you have been wondering about the end result of the Virginia school philosophy, well, the economist helpfully spelled it out."
Koch brāļu nauda, ASV vergturu pavalstis, kas nav zaudējušas savu tieksmi atjaunot aizgājušajiem laikiem, un George Mason universitāte, kur darbojas Virginia school ekonomiskās domāšanas katedra, kas izprāto taktikas un stratēģijas kā samazināt publisko valdības ietekmi un visu varu atdot bagātniekiem.
"[...] the economist developed a grand project to train operatives to staff institutions funded by like-minded tycoons, most significantly Charles Koch, who became interested in his work in the ‘70s and sought the economist’s input in promoting “Austrian economics” in the U.S. and in advising the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank."
Think tank. Agrāk likās ka tas ir kaut kas tāds nevainīgs, nekaitīgs - nu kā akvārijs ar zelta zivtiņām. Tagad "tank" parādās savā otrā nozīmē, ar stobru un kāpurķēdēm, kas sadragās jebkuru pretestību naudas varai.
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