- 3/19/15 08:44 pm
- Hahaha, pat par mani urbānajā vārdnīcā ir ieraksts! Tik faking precīzi! Iečekojiet arī savus vārdus un pastāstiet, vai atbilst!
- 16 atstāja kaut koatstāj kaut ko
- 3/19/15 08:51 pm
A terribly awesome person thats good at everything and will continue to be the best quality of person that you could ever imagine...plus 10
AMAZIN! - Reply
- 3/19/15 09:36 pm
bļin, par visiem tik precīzi! fak, fak, fak, tas bezmazvai kā lasīt zvaigznes!
- Reply
- 3/19/15 08:51 pm
A terribly awesome person thats good at everything and will continue to be the best quality of person that you could ever imagine...plus 10
AMAZIN! - Reply
- 3/19/15 08:59 pm
Either the funniest&hottest guy you'll ever know- or a total gayish freak.
It all depends if it's written with a K or a C.
Usually Scandinavian, mostly Swedish
-I met this guy yesterday, his name was Oskar or something.
-What?With a K or a C??!
-K i think
-Ah ok, then he's probably hilarious - Reply
- 3/19/15 09:00 pm
usually a man with a massive penis, usually someone named oskar likes to repeatedly pile-drive milfs into the floor until he jizzes in their gaping vag.
oh god, you oskar'd that bitch! - Reply
- 3/19/15 09:24 pm
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- 3/19/15 09:33 pm
domāju - diezgan atbilstoši. Oskaram un tev arī.
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- 3/19/15 09:35 pm
indeed (have you sucky-sucky his big black [white]?) :)
- Reply
- 3/19/15 09:45 pm
pameģini aleksi
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- 3/19/15 10:13 pm
es neesmu defineeta :P
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- 3/20/15 08:58 am
A badass rugged mother fucker who gets ALL them bitches.
precīzi, jā, kā tad....
bet tas tāpēc, ka zane viņiem šķiet vīrietis. kas arī savā ziņā ir precīzi... - Reply
- 3/20/15 08:59 am
gay, awesome, pussy, sexy, philosophy... - Reply
- 3/20/15 04:00 pm
man totāli.
blonde girl who is smart, hilarious and very loud when u get to know her. haha oh and by the way she cant stop combing her hair and is obsessed with polish guys. . and she wants to become a lifgaurd and rescue hot polish guys all the time. and loves hitting them balls in tennis.
max: boy, that anett girl is loud.
rob: well at least she likes polish guys like me
by her best frieend November 28, 2011 - Reply
- 3/21/15 01:20 pm
6 foot tall skinny as a rail, yet can eat you out of house and home. He thinks he's the shit. Says and does dumb things, and can annoy the hell out of you to the point that you want punch his lights out. When he is with a girl he does not enjoy blowjobs but does not hate them, they just aren't his cup of tea. he has very mediocre pain tolerance. so much so that if he were to burn his thumb while smoking with a rare Bahamian glass pipe he would drop the pipe instead of trying to protect the priceless piece. The only time he really shows any emotion is when he gets pulled over by a cop for speeding. In that case he will then start cursing at will and start pounding on the steering wheel like it's a cheap hooker.
- Reply
- 3/22/15 01:21 am
The ultimate in perfection. A beautiful, intelligent, sexy and successful person that you can't help but want to be with all the time.
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