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Rīgas laiks [Nov. 16th, 2024|05:30 pm]

esot nobeidzies

Vajadzētu apvienot satori ar telosu, apmēram tas pats sanāktu.
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novembris [Nov. 16th, 2024|05:28 pm]

[mood |jebal]
[music |Röyksopp - Rong]

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Par saprātīgām būtnēm runājot. [Nov. 16th, 2024|12:41 pm]

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Animal sentience is often thought of as a complex, poorly defined, subjective, and abstract concept, raising as many questions as it does answers. If you talk to different people about their views on animal sentience you will undoubtedly get various responses. If you asked a pet owner whether animals have feelings, they would regale you with stories of when their dog comforts them, or is proud of himself when he opens a closed door. A farmer who works closely with his or her animals may tell you about how cow number 19 likes being tickled behind her ears, and how cow number 25 is the shy and cautious one. But then you may talk to someone who sees animals only in terms of their monetary value. Animals to such people are not living, sentient beings, they represent commodities. It is far easier for them to see animals in this way but far less convenient for them to consider their ability to suffer or their need to experience positive emotions like pleasure. How people perceive animals is never black and white, attitudes may depend on the species in question, and the animals perceived mental ability [47]. However, when you consider how we treat the animals we farm for food, experiment upon, or use for entertainment, you can clearly see how important these perspectives are, and which the dominant ones are.
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homo melomanicus [Nov. 16th, 2024|12:19 pm]

Foršs īss diskurss par džeza evolūciju. Kopumā ļoti interesants onkulis un džezs nav vienīgā viņa tēma. Erudīts vecis, kuram, patīk interesanti rantot par visādiem pet peevies. :D

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[Nov. 16th, 2024|11:50 am]

Sliktas ziņas vīriešfeministiem kā mūsu Boriskam (kurš gan jau tāpat sen ir pederasts, kurš sapņo par "bērnu seksuālo izglītošanu" tā kā lost cause).

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Akustiskais piesārņojums #2 [Nov. 16th, 2024|10:40 am]

Tātad parasts pilsētas tirgus - pārtika, audumi, suvenīri etc. Jautājums: Kāda X pēc laukuma vidū nolikts pāris jaudīgu skaļruņu, kuri dārd, gaudo, bumsī? Ne vella nevar komunicēt ar pārdevēju, ja nespēj pārbļaut šito huiņu. Man versija - šis ir kabatzagļu priekam, jo šādā troksnī sliktāk var pamanīt ja kāds mēģina izvilkt maku .

Toč jāpalaiž kaut kāda klusuma iniciatīva.

P.S. Un nē, automobiļu motori šādi netraucē, tie ir daudz klusāki.
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Sapratu [Nov. 16th, 2024|10:39 am]

Zazis grib aizvietot cilvēkus ar cūkām
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[Nov. 16th, 2024|09:43 am]


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[Nov. 15th, 2024|10:36 pm]

Hei, mankurti, hej!
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Pareizs lēmums [Nov. 15th, 2024|07:30 pm]

Nevajag nekādas privilēģijas ticīguma dēļ
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[Nov. 15th, 2024|05:10 pm]

Was there any shady undertaking, any form of foulness, especially in cultural life, in which at least one Jew did not participate? On putting the probing knife carefully to that kind of abscess one immediately discovered, like a maggot in a putrescent body, a little Jew who was often blinded by the sudden light.
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Šov mast go on. [Nov. 15th, 2024|08:43 am]


Amūrikāņiem patīk šovs, par šo šovu viņi ir kārtīgi samaksājuši un maksās vēl. Tagad varēs baudīt gadiem.
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[Nov. 15th, 2024|12:54 am]

Unlike your stomach your brain never tells you when it's empty.
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novembris [Nov. 15th, 2024|01:28 am]

[music |Massive Attack, Ghostpoet - Come Near Me]

gribas klausīties visas dziesmas vienlaicīgi
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