17 May 2017 @ 02:18 am
ko sēsi, to pļausi  
saņēmu 5 lappuses garu elektronisku atvadu/paldies vēstuli no 12.klases skolēna, kam mācīju kulturoloģiju, un..es pat nezinu.

"every week when I was going 2 your lesson it was like going to different school, the ways of teaching is different. (..)

The thing that I rly like it’s that u r always with smile. And it’s 8 o’clock, I just woke up, I don’t understood what’s happening and here I came to school - I’m still sleeping a bit and I don’t have any positive emotions, cause it’s Tuesday and it’s morning I haven’t ate my breakfast and then just looking how u r trying to make this interesting, u r trying or maybe u r (idk) happy and it’s like the wave of energy, positive waves in the air, and I’m like - oh, that’s cool. Not anyone is ready 4 that, I’ll try to listen, I’ll try to do smth even if I don’t rly like it. There is no other teacher who was SO positive no matter what and that’s pretty cool. Sad I can’t feel myself like that easily but now i got feeling that I want to be the same - always happy, even if things ain’t so “on your side”. (..) that’s also one of the things that I get from your lessons, thanks 4 that. hope someday I’ll finally become the same.

Now it's hard to find someone rly interested in work, it’s like the money question not the pleasure, but omg u was telling the thing about symbols and signs (like any other our topic) with enthusiasm higher then I got from the whole my life! All my classmates don’t know what they want to do and every time when meet someone who likes what he’s doing I admire that person, cause I want to be like that, but I can’t find things which I like and can connect my life with them. (..) other thing from your lessons which I understood that u can do ur thing in many ways and that still be very informative and more interactive then usual way - it’s more active, more interesting. so u r teacher but just cooler then usual teacher. before that I can’t find teachers interesting as a proffesion, but now I’m sure that anything could be better and it depends on you, how u relate to that.

hope someday some random guy will look at me when I’ll be working at the any place and think like - “hey he does his work with love, that’s how I should do that”.

I’m confused. I’m happy that I got u as a teacher, that was rly cool, but I’m sad that last lesson is in the past and that’s over.

also always your attitude was very serious. u always find out do we understood the topic and the things what we will do at this lesson, so if u can’t get smth u can easily ask and u translate that or just explain that more detailed then it was. that was very responsible attitude and that’s honorable - well played!

so much feedbacks. no one wrote us big letters when we can read your opinion and mistakes that we made for every group or even for every person - that was very cool. I don’t get that at start but I was rly happy reading them at the end. u was more then a usual teacher watching from the any side. it was like on the new level at all."

viens no jautājumiem, ko uzdevu sev, ejot strādāt skolā, kas ir iestrādāts arī manā IM "profila" aprakstā, bija - es zinu, ka spēju iedvesmot sevi darīt lietas par spīti apstākļiem un šķēršļiem, bet vai es spēšu iedvesmot arī citus, parādīt skolēniem, ka var mācīties ar prieku? man šķiet, ka es esmu saņēmusi viennozīmīgu atbildi. ir grūti iztēloties vēl iespaidīgāku pierādījumu tam, kā jaunieša veltītus 1000+ vārdus ar vēstījumu "i hope to be like you someday".

es esmu tik pateicīga par šo pieredzi, tas nav vārdos izsakāms. tas liek man ticēt, ka es neesmu kļūdījusies, pirms pāris gadiem apzināti izvēloties neapslāpēt savu entuziasmu un godprātīgi vienkārši būt sev un darīt pēc labākās sirdsapziņas, vadoties pēc savām vērtībām, nevis iepriekšnoteiktiem iedomātiem priekšrakstiem par to, kā "jābūt". un manī ir tik milzīgs paldies par visiem tiem cilvēkiem un pieredzēm, kas ir padarījušas to iespējamu. goda vārds, tā sajūta ir totāli #blessed.
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[info]french_mime on May 17th, 2017 - 03:19 am
Wow this is so amazing and inspiring to affect people so positively through your work. Well played indeed!
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honeybee: ar gliemežvāku[info]honeybee on May 17th, 2017 - 06:46 am
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lavendera[info]lavendera on May 17th, 2017 - 08:07 am
Mēs visi atceramies skolotājus, kas ir bijuši Skolotāji ar lielo burtu.
Tie, kas atstrādājuši savas stundas bez entuziasma vai izpaužot savas psihes problēmas uz vājākajiem, nogrimst vēstures mēslainē.
Iedvesmas spēja un harisma - tas ir talants, kas jāliek lietā par spīti Sistēmai.
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bobijs varenais šāvējs[info]glam_our on May 17th, 2017 - 09:20 am
prieks lasīt! :)
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[info]evia on May 17th, 2017 - 10:12 am
Tiešām neiedomājami forši. Vairāk tādu pasniedzēju. Lai nepazūd entuziasms :) !
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astrālais ķermenis kedās[info]nervukamolis on May 17th, 2017 - 10:14 am
pure awesomeness!!! ^^
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Nestandarts[info]heishy on May 17th, 2017 - 07:37 pm
Lūk to es saprotu!
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(Anonymous) on May 18th, 2017 - 12:46 pm
Apraudājos. Šis ir ļoti skaisti, prieks par Tevi. :)
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