No nelaiķiem
Posted on 2011.12.01 at 08:32Doom: Rozes
Mūza: Botanist
bet tikai reti parādās skaudība, ka to neesmu radījis es.
Lūk, viens piemērs. Esmu reklamējis jau agrāk, bet
viņam šogad ir 2 albumi ar 40 dziesmām, so...
Pēc mildly related Bleika dzejoļa, lūdzu
(tikai bungas, vokāls un cimbole)
Projekta visgarākā dziesma
A Rose From The Dead
izpilda Botanist
so lovely
. . .

War-torn land
Floral slaughter
Ruin as far as the eye can see
From the deathfield
Solitary entity blooms
Up from the wasteplains
A rose from the dead
Spreading its roots farther
Strengthening hold
Biding its time
Till flora reigns supreme
One day, the turn will be theirs
Downfall of the human filth
Careless suicide, murder malign
Their end shall mark a new era
The age of the Verdant Realm
Upon the grave of mankind my flowers will grow
Tear shed only for the loss of the verdurous
Monolith marking the passing
Of an age of waste
And the arrival of a budding dawn
w w w . b o t a n i s t . n u