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Plant Metal

Posted on 2011.09.29 at 20:54
Doom: Dracocephalum
Mūza: Botanist
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

instant eargasm
b o t a n i s t , n u


[info]tors at 2011-09-29 22:37 (Tipa)
Rhododendoom! lol.
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-09-30 03:22 (Tipa)
Gorechid arī :)

The songs of Botanist are told from the perspective of The Botanist, a crazed man of science who lives in self-imposed exile, as far away from Humanity and its crimes against Nature as possible. In his sanctuary of fantasy and wonder, which he calls the Verdant Realm, he surrounds himself with plants and flowers, finding solace in the company of the Natural world, and envisioning the destruction of man. There, seated upon his throne of Veltheimia, The Botanist awaits the day when humans will either die or kill each other off, which will allow plants to make the Earth green once again.
[info]aabols at 2011-09-30 10:51 (Tipa)
Taa kaa Wolves In tHe Throne Room mani ar vieglu roku pieviila tad shitas ir pagaidaam nr1. shogad.
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-09-30 14:34 (Tipa)
Pfff vēlreiz, sajaucu tēmas,

bet man ir jautājums par jūsu avotiiem:

tātad, kur/no kā jūs, stilīgie postmetālisti lv, smeļaties ziņas?

piem., par tādiem botānistiem, nabaga bastardiem, troņuzālēm, liturģijām etc. ņežeļi kaut ko baigi ekskluzīvu lasāt, sekojat - kur, koaa,a?
[info]aabols at 2011-09-30 16:27 (Tipa)
ir taads teiciens. Muusu rokas ir garas.
Bet taa pa iistam, kautkaa galiigi nejaushi.
Piemeeram Botanistam uzduuros kautkaadaa shitajaa http://www.npr.org/music/ sekojot linkam uz stiiva reiha peedeejaa garadarba ierakstu. Un tur blakus skatos raksts ar intrigjeejoshu virsrakstu.
I vsjo.
A taa nezinu. Sapnii atnaak LINKS
[info]aabols at 2011-09-30 16:30 (Tipa)
aa nu jaa un tad veel vecais lastfms shad tad kautko atklaaj
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