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Posted on 2011.10.18 at 09:50Doom: Salna
Mūza: Gaë Bolg
Posted on 2011.10.18 at 10:11Doom: Ņiferi
Mūza: Flёur
Posted on 2011.10.18 at 17:28Doom: Minotaurs
Mūza: Tzolk'in
Korai Öröm
Posted on 2011.10.18 at 23:31Doom: The Peasant Strikes Back
Mūza: Korai Öröm
Aizmirsu šos ielikt savā Lieliskajā Folk/Elektro izlasē ;) un vispār laiks atkal iebliezt kādu pilnu albūmu. Manuprāt, ļoti veiksmīgs un interesants psihodēliskā roka, etnikas un disko savienojums no Ungārijas. Ja pavelk etnokačka, velc nost:

Korai Öröm (1992 - present) are a rare Hungarian band known for their dynamic live concerts (often in unusual places such as around swimming pools or in the great outdoors) and for their original sound - long-flowing, cosmic space-rock jams with hypnotic atmospheres, superb percussion, and bits of trumpet and flute added on.
Style/Genre (as per the media): ambient, urban folk, earth psychedelics, action-music, the folk music of non-existing folks.
Style/Genre (as per the band): worldmusic, ethno-metal-trance
^ vot, šitajā nošķīrumā es neiebraucu, bet whateva, mani pirmā aizgrāba sekojošā plate (ir arī jaunākas/vecākas) -
KORAI ÖRÖM:2009 CBR:320 MB:98
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