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Finntroll par Eirovīziju
Posted on 2010.02.21 at 19:20Doom: Nifelvind
Mūza: Čaikovskis
In a recent interview with Italy's Musica Metal web site, keyboardist Henri "Trollhorn" Sorvali of Finnish folk metallers FINNTROLL was asked if his band would ever follow the example of Norwegian black metallers KEEP OF KALESSIN and consider taking part in the the Eurovision Song Contest (KEEP OF KALESSIN was eliminated from the competition after placing third in the Norwegian grand final).
"Eurovision Song Contest is to music what Kentucky Fried Chicken is to food," Trollhorn replied. "Black metal = no compromise. If KEEP OF KALESSIN wants to penetrate some unexplored areas in the homosexual community, I feel no harm done, yet we leave our crowd raped by other means than participating in vain and futile contests on something we consider a blasphemy of an art anyway."

Attēlā - mans pirmais Finntroll albūms
Blood & Sand
Posted on 2010.02.21 at 23:00Doom: Spartacus
Mūza: Burzum