Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - 23. Novembris 2009

About 23. Novembris 2009

a nice little doomed planet09:18
ja nu kāds interesējas par to vai CERNa LHC mūs visus neaizraus melnajā caumurā, izrādās viņš var sekot notiekošajam dzīvajā:


... vienīgā problēma varētu būt saprast, ko tieši mēs redzam.

break somebody's leg!11:43
Break a leg is a well-known saying in theatre which means "good luck". It is typically said to actors before they go out onto stage to perform.
The expression reflects a theatrical superstition in which wishing a person "good luck" is considered bad luck. The expression is sometimes used outside the theatre as superstitions and customs travel through other professions and then into common use. // wikipedia
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