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Is there a check the check engine light light? [19. Aug 2010|17:50]
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Es vakar biju kā Penija no The Big Bang Theory.
Braucu ar Renault Thalia, kurai dega "check engine" gaismiņa. Un tad man prātā nāca šī epizode:

In October of 2008, Penny gave Sheldon a ride to work in her red Volkswagen Rabbit. He noticed that the car's check engine light was on, which bothered him quite a bit:

Sheldon: Your check engine light is on.
Penny: Mmm-hmm.
Sheldon: Typically that's an indicator to ... check your engine.
Penny: It's fine. It's been on for like a month.
Sheldon: (alarmed) Actually that would be all the more reason to ... you know, check your engine.
Penny: Sheldon, it's fine.
Sheldon: If it were fine, the light wouldn't be on. That's why the manufacturer installed that light, to let you know it's not fine.
Penny: Maybe the light's broken.
Sheldon: Is there a check the check engine light light?

The following February, Penny's car broke down and Sheldon pointed out that he'd warned her about the check engine light months before. She retorted that the light was just fine, it was "still blinking away" and that it was "the stupid engine that stopped working."
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Date:19. Augusts 2010 - 18:23
haha :-) man pietrūkst Big Bang Theory skatīšanās.. :-)
Date:20. Augusts 2010 - 08:38
Nu jā, mūsu mājās arī pietrūkst :)
Date:19. Augusts 2010 - 18:44
Beverly: "Your Check Engine light is on."
Penny: "Yeah, I gotta put a sticker over that."
Date:20. Augusts 2010 - 08:38

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