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Lost & Forgotten [26. Maijs 2010|00:04]
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Par Aishu, protams, žēl, bet nu - dzīve ir nežēlīga :)
Bet mīļotais Pjotrs Naličs ar savu dziesmu ļoti izbradā dvēseli tieši šovakar.


Would you believe Lord of Mercy?
Would you be so good Lord?
I wanna love her now
And I wanna feel that now with all…
All of those kisses and sweet embraces

Here am I lost and forgotten
For this cruel cruel time
When I’m first time in love
Now that is why
Now that is why I sing Lord of Mercy
And I hope now that you hear me

What are you doing man?
I’m looking at her photos
What should I do with them?
Drop them to the fire
Oh yes yes I’m gonna burn them now
‘Cause I have to forget her now with all…
All of those kisses and sweet embraces

Here am I lost and forgotten
For this cruel cruel time
When I’m first time in love
Now that is why
Now that is why I sing Lord of Mercy
And I hope now that you hear me

Here am I lost and forgotten
For this cruel cruel time
First time in love
Now that is why
Now that is why I sing Lord of Mercy
And I hope now that you hear me
Oh brïng her back to me
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