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No interesanta raksta. [Dec. 13th, 2022|11:52 pm]
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Date:December 14th, 2022 - 01:56 pm
/“Fusion is already too late to deal with the climate crisis, we are already facing the devastation from climate change on a global scale, looking at the floods in Pakistan, the droughts in China and Europe this summer alone./

Nav ko taisīt drāmu jo tūlītēju problēmu risināšanai mums jau ir parastie kodolu dalīšanās reaktori.
[User Picture]
Date:December 14th, 2022 - 02:29 pm
ar šīm pretenzijām lūdzu pie Dr Aneeqa Khan, Manchester-ISIS Neutron and Muon Source Research Fellow in Nuclear Fusion at The University of Manchester.