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No interesanta raksta. Dec. 13th, 2022|11:52 pm

“Fusion is already too late to deal with the climate crisis, we are already facing the devastation from climate change on a global scale, looking at the floods in Pakistan, the droughts in China and Europe this summer alone. In the short term we need to use existing low carbon technologies such as fission and renewables, while investing in fusion for the long term, to be part of a diverse low carbon energy mix. We need to be throwing everything we have at the climate crisis. In all these technologies we need to be investing in training people from all over the world so that they can develop the solutions needed to face climate change. It is important to have both short and long term strategies."

Liels prieks, ka beidzot ir izdevies izdabūt vairāk kā ieliek. Citādi tas bija mazs sīkums, kuru iepriekš noklusēja. Žēl, ka vēl tāls ceļš ejams un šobrīd nekādi nepalīdzēs.

upd. "They put 1.8 MJ and got 2.5 MJ out." izskatās, ka tiek noklusēts, ka lāzeri apēda reizes 100 vairāk enerģijas, jo ir visnotaļ energonefektīva ierīce. a rēķināts tiek tikai tā enerģija, ko lāzeri ielika sistēmā. meh, esmu vīlies, kārtējais haiptreins, kurš nesās ar klikbaita spēka palīdzību.
facility used its set of 192 lasers to deliver 2.05 megajoules of energy onto a pea-sized gold cylinder containing a frozen pellet of the hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium. The pulse of energy caused the capsule to collapse, creating temperatures only seen in stars and thermonuclear weapons, and the hydrogen isotopes fused into helium, releasing additional energy and creating a cascade of fusion reactions. The laboratory’s analysis suggests that the reaction released some 3.15 megajoules of energy — roughly 54% more than the energy that went into the reaction.
However, while the fusion reactions may have produced more than 3 megajoules of energy — more than was delivered to the target — NIF’s 192 lasers consumed 322 megajoules of energy in the process.

korekti būtu bijis, ja teiktu, ka, lai ieliktu 2 MJ, nācās patērēt 300MJ un izdabūja 3.15MJ
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