- 2015.11.09, 13:17
- Kā piemānīt bērnus.
If you sit quietly in the car, it makes the car go faster so you'll get there quicker. (Reinforce it by taking your foot off the gas a bit when they get too noisy.)
Sleeping with different blankets give you different dreams. Got nightmares? Change the blanket. (It was other side of the pillow for us. I'm thirty two and I still flip my pillow over every time I wake up from a bad dream.)
Potholes mark the spot where childern were ran over in the street, either from playing in the street or not looking both ways before crossing. The State Government extracts the asphalt and gives it to the parents of the fallen as a tribute to the child so that no other person will walk on that same asphalt again.
(I tell my son that the dark spots in the parking lot (oil stains from car) are from children that did not listen to their parents and got ran over.)
Thell them their ears turn red when they lie. I tell the students I can tell if they are lying if they stick out their tongues. The kids that lie don't stick their tongues out.
I've taught my little ones that monsters are afraid of spoons. It works wonders when they are going through the "afraid of monsters" phase.
In Greece, a common lie that parents would tell children was that sugar was made of crushed human bones.
My parents used to tell us that if we saw a white horse and a black dog without talking in between those two events, we would get our next wish. When I was about twenty, I finally figured out it was to shut us up on long road trips. So I confronted them... and they had no idea about that. It was just something my dad's family had always done. Two generations of deceit...
Avocados are crocodile eggs. Kiwi fruit are monkey eggs. Coconuts are really bear's eggs. - 6 rakstair doma
- 9.11.15 15:19 #
Man jau šķiet, ka liela daļa šo padomu ir kā radīti, lai bērnā radītu lielisku augsni dažādām fobijām. Nesaprotu arī baigo vajadzību melot un biedēt ar kaut kādām absurdām lietām kā "Potholes mark the spot where childern were ran over in the street".
Lai gan karotes pret briesmoņiem ir mīlīgi :D - Atbildēt