- 2013.10.02, 09:10
- [...] the wealthy elite didn't want to just "roll back" the New Deal, they wanted to roll back the entire 20th Century. His point was that all the social gains of the 20th Century were granted to us in order to combat global communism, and that with the collapse of communism the wealthy elite are going it take it all back.
- 6 rakstair doma
- 2.10.13 12:39 #
return of preventable diseases ir lielā mērā self-inflicted. ko var gribēt, ja cilvēki pārstāj vakcinēties, nevakcinē arī savus bērnus? tā nav globālās elites konspirācija. tas ir stulbums.
- Atbildēt
- 2.10.13 12:53 #
salon raksts spēcīgs.
vai war-on-science ir konspirācija vai nav? vai tas, ka pelēkajai masai neuzspiež zinātnisko metodi, vai tā ir brīvība vai beigās tomēr verdzība? - Atbildēt
- 2.10.13 13:07 #
“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'” - Isaac Asimov
- Atbildēt