- i've noticed you around
- 2010.03.29, 19:22
- Ar "iepazīšanos seksam" ir viena problēma.
"According to cultural stereotypes, men are more eager for sex than are women; women are more likely to set limits on such activity. [...] In these experiments, conducted in 1978 and 1982, male and female confederates of average attractiveness approached potential partners with one of three requests: "Would you go out tonight?" "Will you come over to my apartment?" or "Would you go to bed with me?" The great majority of men were willing to have a sexual liaison with the women who approached them. Women were not. Not one woman agreed to a sexual liaison."
Īstenībā, interesanti kādi ir šībrīža rezultāti šādam eksperimentam. Mana hipotēze: neko daudz [vēl] nekas nav mainījies. - 18 rakstair doma
- 29.3.10 23:02 #
ja tu ej ar frāzi "would you go to bed with me", tad visticamāk dabūsi "nē" par atbildi pat ja tu būsi kāda izcili pievilcīgs, gudrs un bagāts sugas īpatnis.
it's just the wrong choice of words! - Atbildēt