- 2007.12.17, 14:10
- "The Truth" svilina. (Salīdzinoši, Thief of Time bija diezgan lēni ritošs. The Truth ir īsts Ankh-Morpork gabals, bet nav Watch gabals, jo risinās no noziedznieku un žurnālistu skatu punkta.)
Mr Pin: "Do you know what they called a sausage-in-a-bun in Quirm?"
Mr Tulip: "No?"
Mr Pin: "They called it le sausage-in-le-bun."
Mr Tulip: "What, in a —ing foreign language? You're —ing kidding!"
Mr Pin: "I'm not a —ing kidder, Mr. Tulip."
"I mean, they ought to call it a ... a ... sausage dans lar derrière." said Mr Tulip. He took a bite of his Dibbler delight. "Hey, that's what this —ing thing tastes of," he added, with his mouth full.
"In a bun, Mr Tulip." - 14 rakstair doma
- 20.12.07 15:26 #
interesting times vēl nav, divi pirmie availabli enītaimā. rasbainieks at gmail.
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