- 2005.04.08, 17:54
- Children are bought and sold, gang-raped, and forced to have sex with each other. Acts which absolutely destroy a child.
That's a pretty boring issue. I doubt you'd find anyone who'd seriously argue whether or not that is or should be a crime. That people who actually commit those crimes should be put in prison.
The more interesting issue is whether possession of information should be a crime. For example is (or should) possession of a photograph of a crime itself a crime? Lots of people possess pictures of the planes hitting the World Trade Center. The murder of several thousand people is a pretty heinous crime. It certainly included the murder of children. Are they criminals for possessing an image of a crime? Does it depend upon what crime it is a picture of? Do we just decide we don't like certain kinds of pictures, therefore possession of them will be criminal even though pictures of children being murdered are ok? Don't criminal laws have to be backed up by something a lot more solid than "because we really really really dislike it"? Where "it" is mere possession of a picture taken by someone else.
And then there's there's the wonderful argument about whether possession of even fictional images is (or should be) a crime. And better yet whether posession of fictional text is (or should be) a crime.
Those are interesting questions. But no, you don't actually say anything interesting. You don't say anything relevant. You just waste your breath on a pointless comment that rapists are criminals. Well duh. Like that comment somehow closes the issue? Like that comment ANYTHING AT ALL about the issue?
Yep. Littering is a crime. Anyone possessing a photograph with litter in it - a photograph taken by someone else - anyone possessing such a photo is a criminal. Anyone drawing a sketch with litter in it is a criminal. Anyone possessing a sketch depicting litter is a criminal. And best of all anyone who possesses words written by someone else describing fictional litter is a criminal. Because we all agree that littering is a crime. Case closed.
(no slashdot komentāriem) - 4 rakstair doma
- 9.4.05 04:03 #
par piemeeru njemtas paarspiileetas un ne paaraak veiksmiigas analogjijas, bet konceptuaali atbalstu.
par fictional materiaalu atbalstu uz 100%, jo, lai kas arii tiktu atainots, neviens reaali "neciesh", iznjemot varbuut autora (un nepietiekami nobriedushu lasiitaaju/veerotaaju) psihi.
un arii par dokumentaaliem materiaaliem – taa tomeer ir vaarda briiviibas ierobezhoshana. ok, te tiek mineeta beernu izvaroshana, bet kaa, piemeeram, ar galvas nogrieshanu bezpaliidziibaa raudosham kjiilniekam chechenijas kalnos? on video, with no commercial breaks. vai tas, ka man ir shaadi ieraksti, mani padara par moraalu liidzdaliibnieku? tas, ka es redzu, kas ir noticis. jeb varbuut taadas lietas neskaitaas noziegumi, jo tas notiek "tur"? jeb varbuut uz taadu patiesiibu vienkaarshi neklaajas skatiities, gluzhi taapat, kaa uz to, ka ir cilveeki, kas pish septinjgadiigos. :)
tai pat laikaa, tevis ieposteetajaa tekstaa tiek neskatoties vienaa katlaa mests viss aizliegtais, ignoreejot buutisku atpakaljsaiknes niansi – konkreetaa fetisha izplatiibu publikaa un attieciigi arii iespeejamo taalaako notikumu attiistiibu. nedz mineetaas meesloshanas, nedz wtc bombardeeshanas video tomeer nepiedur cilveekus tik ljoti, lai vareetu veidoties sceena, kuraa keksi speciaali met atkritumus uz ielas vai triecas ar lidaparaatiem eekaas, filmee to, un tad izplata ierakstus netaa citiem ko pakaifot par "aizliegto". neeksistee pietiekoshs pieprasiijums peec shaada materiaala, lai ar to tiktu tieshi veicinaata piedaavaajuma paplashinaashanaas – atshkjiriibaa no, piemeeram, taa pasha childporna.
imho, jeegu – un attieciigi arii izplatiishanas un uzglabaashanas "ljaunuma pakaapi" – uzstaada ne tik daudz pats saturs, kaa materiaalaa radiishanas meerkjis un konteksts — kaa vaardaa tiek veikts "noziegums", un kaapeec tas tiek dokumenteets prezenteeshanai plashaakai auditorijai. un ja atbilde viens no vaardiem ir entertainment, tad...
p.s. lai gan par fetishiem jau nestriidas, gh ;) - Atbildēt