Faith Club
Faith Club
28. Janvāris 2016
- 2016.01.28, 09:04
- Jāpiepalīdz žurnālistiem par Zika vīrusu vienu lietu saprast -
"Tāpēc vairāku Dienvidamerikas valstu varas iestādes aicinājušas sievietes atturēties no grūtniecības - [...] Salvadorā - līdz pat 2018. gadam."
El Salvador ir viena no tām draņķa kristiešu valstīm, kas ir kriminalizējusi abortu, un pat par spontāno abortu sievietes liek cietumā. Aborts ir aizliegts visos gadījumus - vai izvarošana, vai dzīvībai bīstamas komplikācijas grūtniecības laikā, vai iedzimtas slimības auglim (dauna sindroms, utt), vai vienalga kas. Jebkāda sperma ir svēta.
Izteikums "aicina sievietes atturētos no grūtniecības" ir jālasa šādi: ja negrib iesēsties cietumā, vai arī auklēt mikrocefālu bērnu-invalīdu, tad labāk neriskēt palikt stāvoklī.
Zikas vīrusam ir kā paralēle ar masaliņām - kas ir kā viegli pārslimojama, maza-riska slimība, bet saslimstot grūtniecības laikā masaliņu vīruss rada milzīgas komplikācijas embrija attīstībai, bērni piedzimst ar dzirdes, redzes, sirds, smadzeņu bojājumiem.
4 rakstair doma
- 2016.01.28, 09:31
I'd recommend reading the history of the Frankfurt School. Frankly this stuff sounds like a conspiracy theory when you don't hear it from the horses mouth.
In short: 'Critical Theory' is taking society's healthy willingness for self-reflection and improvement, and hijacking that immune system into an auto-immune disease. Repeatedly criticize every facet of society. Make society responsible for every current and past wrong. Never demand a solution, just criticize. Criticize until a secular sense of original sin - that we are born guilty and dirty and oppressive - is worked into the mindset of the culture itself.
Keep it up for a few decades. Once you work this reflexive guilt and self-derision of the culture into the culture, people will naturally push it on it's own. It's like a cancer. The result is Political Correctness, and at the extreme end, the SJW crowd. Nobody dictates what is politically correct or not. It's not a grand conspiracy with evil people in the shadows. It's just an insidious attitude of thought that propagates itself once started. Because there's always a moral high-ground, and status to be gained, from being oh so smart enough to criticize one's own society.
The end goal being to have the culture undermine it's own validity - attack its root morality from all sides until the culture implodes on itself. Paving the way for a communist revolution yadda yadda yadda stupid communist ideas yadda yadda yadda.
Whether it accomplishes their goal or not is irrelevant , the devastating effects of turning a culture in on itself are real enough. Even though I personally hate Trump - it's pretty obvious why headlines like the one from this thread bump up his popularity. He's promising to be the Radiation; the Chemotherapy. The horrible pill we hold our nose with and take, in the hopes that it kills the malignant mutated part of the culture without killing the whole damn society.
Hmm, tas auto-immune disease salīdzinājums ir diezgan labi izskaidro, kāpēc pēdējā laikā dzirdama tāda pavisam vājprātīga SJW un feminisma, un PC, safe-space, cissexist heteropatriarchy, utml uz sevi ieciklējies un šķērsām aizgājusi aktīvisma retorika.
3 rakstair doma