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[Sep. 1st, 2008|02:43 pm]
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Date:September 1st, 2008 - 05:20 pm

Tur var iebāzt dajebko

Ten caucasians went out to dine;
One choked his little self and then there were Nine.
Nine caucasians sat up very late;
One overslept himself and then there were Eight.
Eight caucasians traveling in Devon; // te vajadzētu viņus aizsūtīt kadā loģiskākā vietā
One said he'd stay there and then there were Seven.
Seven caucasians chopping up sticks;
One chopped himself in halves and then there were Six.
Six caucasians playing with a hive;
A bumblebee stung one and then there were Five.
Five caucasians going in for law;
One got into Chancery and then there were Four.
Four caucasians going out to sea;
A red herring swallowed one and then there were Three.
Three caucasians walking in the zoo;
A big bear hugged one and then there were Two.
Two caucasians were out in the sun;
One got all frizzled up and then there was one.
One caucasian left all alone;
He went out and hanged himself and then there were none.
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Date:September 1st, 2008 - 06:29 pm

Re: Tur var iebāzt dajebko

Ievietojam grāmatiņā. Katrā lapaspusē savu - tālai neviens nejūtas aizmirsts.