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Aug. 15th, 2010 | 09:42 pm
music: Daniel Johnston - I live my broken dreams
Noskatījos kārtējo narkotiku filmu. Nordkraft. Pirms tam skatījos Spun (kaut kad sen bija redzēta, bet ir vērts atkārtot) un The Salton Sea (nepatika).
Nordkraft pieder pie tām drūmajām narkotiku filmām. Lieku vienā mapītē ar Requiem for a dream, Basketball diaries un Zoostacijas bērniem.
Bildinājums:First you have the oral phase then the anal phase and then the banal phase. First you think you are a very special individual. You're different, more profound, more spiritual than other people. Then comes the banal phase. Once you've lived that, you know – that you're no fucking better than anybody else. You're expendable. You're quite ordinary. You'll die, you'll be burried, eaten by worms – be forgotten by posterity like all other mortals out there. Once you know that, you have grown up. And grown-ups marry. Will you marry me, Tilde?
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date: Aug. 15th, 2010 - 09:52 pm
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