- 11/11/18 02:51 pm
- 103 atstāja kaut koatstāj kaut ko
- 11/12/18 06:23 pm
wow, kāds tu laipns; "tikai uzdodu jautājumus".
https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Just_asking_questions - Reply
- 11/12/18 08:07 pm
You are a funny guy. I was just trying to maintain a reasonable tone in order to properly understand your position. Seems you can't handle the pressure.
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- 11/12/18 08:18 pm
tas vienkārši ir besīgi, ka atkārto jautājumu, lai zvejotu pēc atbildes
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- 11/12/18 08:31 pm
Yeah - I wanted an answer to the questions because they are essential questions. You can choose to answer anyway you like. You don't seem to want to do so: why?
By the way, I am usually a polite guy. 97% of time IRL I am a real sweetheart and I have friends from all over the political spectrum - you can see this, I hope, in a question I posted about feelings of nationality on my Ciba recently. I can maintain a polite tone because I am ....actually fecking interested in people's attitudes to these questions.
If you can't handle it, then... just for you: go fuck yourself, you retarded ideologue... how's that? Feel better? Now you can rile yourself up, vai nee? - Reply
- 11/12/18 08:42 pm
es atbildēju jau pirmajā reizē, kad prasīji. nezinu arī, ko tu mēģini pateikt, saucot sevi par pieklājīgu un tad ierakstot rupjības. mans take-away ir, ka tu esi pastulbs
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- 11/12/18 08:44 pm
you are really dumb
ata - Reply
- 11/12/18 11:46 pm
wow, such a sad wreck of a thinking person
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- 11/12/18 08:18 pm
Just wipe the estrogen he spewed all around your face off and move along. There is absolutely no reason to even try debating these sectarians. They're beyond reason and actually feed on naive people, who still believe they might be reasonable.
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