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[Mar. 22nd, 2024|10:39 pm]
Es nogalināju laiku lidostā, lasot National Geographic izdevumu par slepenajām biedrībām. Arī rakstīts tādā AI stilā - nopietni (coolly earnest), skaidri un virspusēji. It kā lasītāji būtu atpalikuši, kuriem kaut kādu dīvainu iemeslu dēļ ir vajadzīgas zināšanas - vai viņu mātes.
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Israel- Palestine [Mar. 20th, 2024|03:31 pm]

"With all due respect, you are a fantastic moron."

Tomēr es diezgan daudz iemācījos no šī 5 stundu strīda starp Finkelstein + Rabbani un Morris + Bennecelli.

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Collision course with Devil [Feb. 21st, 2024|09:12 pm]
Tulkoju kaadu satanistu/nesatanasitu darbu. Dievs zina, ka dzeks ir - spreidu es no vinja teikumumiem - neparaak gudrs.

Taada sajuta ir (kameer peetu fonu), ka makslinieka reakcija uz PSRS ir shad tad berniskiigs - kaut kaada puisiska subkultuura (runaaju par sliekaam) un tie, kas iebilda ir nobriedushaaki (lai gan mazaak - hah hah - inteligenti).

Vieniigais, kas man nepatik, ir centiens ieviest satanu (vispaar jurists) latvieshu paganismaa - caur kaadu upi es nezinu (hermetic - golden dawn esotericism - wiccan witch cult?) Nezinu: dzeks klusee, kameer sudzas par to, ka daudzi neiedzilinaajas.

Ja kaads reali rubi, ludzu... gatavs esmu maciities.

atvainojos par suudigi latvieshu valodu - jau zini, ka nemaaku.
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[Feb. 19th, 2024|09:52 pm]
"I knocked on the door of the next to top floor of Corso Vittorio 197 and a youthful, tall, rangy character, undoubtedly older than I, opened the door: his expression was between Buddhist and Olympic, his bearing quite calm. Having at once intuited the meaning of my visit, or rather, lack of one, Evola promptly met me with genuine affection and this affection was the strength of the connection, beyond dialectics and doctrine, that linked me to him for years.

As I wrote in my book From Yoga to the Rosicrucians, I didn’t know that Evola had followed an esoteric path for a time and directed a group of aspirants to initiation, although his name was familiar to me from the journal Ignis."
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[Feb. 8th, 2024|10:31 pm]
feeling emotional
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[Jan. 19th, 2024|09:05 am]
Sociologi raksta par dažiem Ābrahāmiem un jaunām angļu meitenēm.
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[Jan. 15th, 2024|08:43 pm]
Err, is that not Satan drinking from the river of blood coming from the woman who has given birth to a demon?

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Anglijaa [Jan. 3rd, 2024|02:54 pm]
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[Dec. 12th, 2023|09:37 pm]
Christopher, you need to stop!
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Zizek [Dec. 1st, 2023|03:38 pm]

palēnām palīdzot politkorektajiem pateikt dažas patiesas lietas

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[Nov. 16th, 2023|07:16 pm]
Wife's best friend's daughter is rocking it on X-factor. But, boy, the stories about the kitchen. You would not believe it! Nothing is as it seems!!

Hah hah.

Last time I spent time with her we went out to a secret location for the unclean in the sticks. Almost the last time I cried.
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Battle of the Trench Religion(s) of the Book [Oct. 22nd, 2023|11:13 am]
In making this judgement, Sa’d explicitly stated that this judgement of his was given not in accordance with the Quran, but in accordance with the judgement of the Torah, the law of the Jews, themselves, as recorded in Deuteronomy 20:10:

“When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it. And it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all the people that is found therein shall be tributaries unto thee, and they shall serve thee. And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it: And when the Lord thy God hath delivered it into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword: But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyself; and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which the Lord thy God hath given thee.”
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[Oct. 19th, 2023|11:17 am]

Bassem Yousef

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[Oct. 16th, 2023|10:03 pm]
"the severe schools shall never laugh me out of the philosophy of Hermes, that this world is but a portrait of the invisible"
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Ieteiktu [Oct. 5th, 2023|10:29 pm]
Como Sur Reserva Especial Merlot

Gave my youngest some inchigus jautaajums par Romieshu Imperiju, skatijos, kaa West Ham uzvareeja Vacijaa, and ... don't you think that if man-made climate change didn't actually exist, you'd have to believe it to keep the collective head high? I mean we are on the way out, aren't we? Debt up to the ears, fiat money corrupted at source, having to admit in polite society all kinds of huinja, and precious few rare earths and other resources - if we tap out in a zero-carbon suicide in 2030, it'll be 10 or 20 years before a bunch of other regional powers. There's always got to be a moral reason for having to commit suicide, I suppose.
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[Sep. 29th, 2023|09:43 am]
Inteliģenti cilvēki vairs nejautā "kas notika?"
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[Sep. 17th, 2023|03:51 pm]
Mums bija ciemiņi no laukiem - sievas mātes radi. Pirmo reizi es viņus satiku. Interesanti un tieši dzīvē un sarunās: viņu pirmās sarunu tēmas: ķīmijas takas un vakcīnas. Vispār ļoti atsvaidzinoši.
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[Sep. 15th, 2023|10:24 pm]
I am halfway through the Invisible History of the Rosicrucians - written by a Professor wearing rose-tinted glasses, who tried on the last page I was reading (while waiting to get my eyes tested) to have me convert myself. It was in the Chapter ’The Reformation of the Whole Wide World’.

Do you know about the Rosicrucians? Hounded by the Jesuits and the implacable Academia of the time, they (on absorbing the rays of the universe) find God in everything, and constructing within themselves the Abbey of Theleme wandered as outsiders in the world - or as Gnostics, or a Christo-Cabalists planting seeds in the form of scientific revolution (The Royal Society) or social revolution (Freemasonry).

Interesting to consider them now in 2023, a year after the Georgia Guidestones were struck by lightning or otherwise blown up (RC - 500 million on the planet etc.). The Royal Society is sponsored by Astra Zeneca and Google and has priestly views, which can safely be disseminated by Satorists.

You guys and girls with the non-conspiracy views - yeah you. Are you not the light-bearers of the Enlightenment? If so, a word: back when all of this began (again) in the 1600s, these guys delighted in discovery and debate and were persecuted by orthodoxical views of violent men who saw conspiracy everywhere (probably because they knew what was involved).

Look at you now. Spitting feathers at the heretics, and - today at least - unable to debate without using an AI oracle - literally - not even the words are your own.

I suppose this is always the way: cabalists get their way, and build new oppressive temples from which they’ll get us to bend the knee, incant orthodoxy, trust the science, and depopulate yourself(ves) on a tide of ennui.

Or something like that.
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[Sep. 7th, 2023|07:48 pm]
laimiigie koki
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[Sep. 4th, 2023|09:50 pm]
The stretches of both banks, as we approach the centre, in 2023, were increasingly punctuated by men preoccupied with cutting grass, sat on ride-on mowers.

After we pass a woman’s property with nature-worshipping symbols, we pull the canoe up by a footbridge, and I wander off past the 7 dead trees to see what is about.

Some Elohim had collapsed on the track leading to a community of Balts and Slavs on the other side of the river. The council, it stated in both languages on a notice board, were ready to get the place connected to powers that could light your dwelling, and charge up devices that would draw to you almost all the information on the planet - the only interface, your personality and how well you can spell, and how much time you have. You will need to work - come to some peace with yourself about that.

Christ - under the wing of Yaweh, what is this prison of spirit? We should be living for tens of thousands of years. And now, we are a piece of enlightenment, fallen Malachi, cast down in a body fit for some spit of time for digging out plunder.

Something like that, the Elohim might curse his body with as it lies prostrate on the dusty road, mosquitoes biting his exposed alco-tanned skin.

I regard him, mentally preparing myself for the accepted greeting should he arise and come in my direction, and then redirect my attention to the noticeboard

‘but you have to join the brotherhood first’ it says, ‘otherwise, do it yourself’.

We are 35 minutes away from Jugla. By car, which we do not have. I know a 10-minute walk will take us to a bar with Elohim-size portions of dead plus fried potatoes and a salad. You could drown in the bowls of soup if you were tired and emotional. Outside it, there is a statue of a March Hare three times the size of a man. They charge 950 euros for a meal, which is more than a tube of paste for the teeth.

He isn’t dead, I notice, now taking shelter behind one of the dead trees. He rises onto his knees, and grabs his bag: clink.

So, he has been taking the spirit. His spirit DNA loved the wine, but we are too far North for acceptable supply. There is no olive oil in which to be bathed before communion with the ones who have infested the land, either. Lingering sympathy hanging out on the off-chance is dispelled quick fast- Maybe he senses some burning flesh of shashlik, and these thought patterns are not my own. They are like the corrupting messages sent by a predator or parasite. Could be.

I retreat to my wife, a Balt, who has her hair covered from the early spits of the afternoon deluge.

‘Elohim, there’ I say in broken balt, ‘local laikam’.

‘Then we wait by the footbridge, saxon’ I think she says, as though it is the way. I agree with my head and wait for him to arrive by killing things that have taken my blood.
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