“Health and wholeness are not a static states but evolutionary processes in which we participate. So a bounce-back to maintain structures that no longer serve is not a healthy response to the crises we are now facing. If we understand health as a dynamic process of co-evolving mutuality that links cellular health to organ health to individuals, families, communities, cities, bioregions, ecosystems and to planetary health, we come to see that systemic health and wellbeing might be a much more appropriate indicator of success than inadequate economic indicators like GDP“ :
Ko šeit nozīme bounce-back?
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tas īstenībā ir no transformatīvās izglītības operas, par ko Tev stāstīju pa tel., mazliet sakabē ar ekofeminismu:
https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/tra nsformative-education-in-a-crisis-of-per ception-a846075f57e0
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Jā, es arī to pašu gripēju vaicāt.
Tas, ka IKP ir visnotaļ patruls instruments, tiek teikts jau sen.
Tas, ka IKP ir visnotaļ patruls instruments, tiek teikts jau sen.
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Satraukumus IKP sakarā pamatā aprunā tie paši cilvēki, kas satraucas par patriarhālisma rēgu takšo..
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Gregory Bateson put it this way: “The major problems in the world are the result of the difference between how nature works and the way people think”
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