3. Mar 2007 20:04 Mr. Gordonsky’s . . . . . . . . Riga Dichshoonary 2006.
An ashtray- Pel-Newt.rauchs. Apple pie- Ah’bul-do Piir,aks. Are those fake?- Why tass earwill-toy-youms!? Beer- ah-loose. Bread- May-ze. Cool- For she Dark\Light- Thum-shh\Guy’ish. Great Oaks from little acorns grow- Lee-ally waz, ui,alich aoug nouah mazam zee.Lem. Girl- M18 (maytene) Boy- puke-Ahhh (puika) Hello- Svay-kee. How much?- tS’ick tass mak’sah? I am a woodworm- E’s ass’mo Koo-a-Koo T’arps. I don’t know where I live- Es ney-zinu kur es zee-voy-uh… I feel like a cobblestone- Es uz-has kah brud-jak-mens. I have a black belt in Karate- Man or melon, a’ use to carrot tea. I love you- S’ the ‘Vee Mea’loo. I like you, Buy me a drink- To man, pat teets=>Yooh! Shouts man In a pig’s ear- t’Sue’ Kas auh-sea. Is this a Forrest?- Vhy tas ear mesh. It’s a narrow road- T’as ear showers sell shhhh!. It’s red & tasty- Das ear sar’cunts un Gar-Sheaks. Latvia- LA’tve. Light my fire- Yay! Dead zany man. My name is Sue, how do u do?- Money saw-woods, caught Ev yet? OK- LaBi. Please- Loo,d,zoo. Please may I fondle your buttocks?- Vhy es loo,d,zoo var-at-t’u pag-loud-it Usu pak-ah-lynn-You. Smells like fish- Smer’D pet’s zee-vim. Snow is white- Sneck’s ear balts. Thank you- Pal-dies. U play tonsil hockey?- Vy tu gree-bea, Noah-suck-this? What’s your name?- Kah tev’E sou-Tits. When?- KAD? Where is the beach?- Kur ear plud-male..? Where?- KUR? Who?- Kas- Kursh/Kura Yes\no- Ya\neah You have beautiful eyes- Theo ear sky’stos art’sis. 1- Vie-ence. 2- Dee-Vee 3- Trees 4- Cet,ree 5- Peat,zee 6- Say-shee 7- Sep,tene 8- Ass-stune 9- Dev-Enne 10- Des-mit 100- Sims 1000- Tux-Toats 69- Sesh.des mit,dev in-job. 2 raksta - ir doma  |