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Tuesday May. 28th, 2013 | 14:00

Kādēļ jūs neesat vegāni?

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Comments {37}

Esmu vegāns.

from: [info]suic
date: Wednesday May. 29th, 2013 - 01:47

Ēdu tikai to, kam pohuj, ka to ēd.

Nedomāju, ka mūsdienās nav argumentu par labu vegānismam kā te daži izsakās. Drīzāk dominē nevēlēšanās vai nespēja tos uztvert. Un ar tādu attieksmi argumentu nav un nevar būt ne par kādu tēmu.

Our emotional dispositions make it very difficult for us to accept certain propositions, no matter how strong the evidence in their favor. And since all proof depends upon the acceptance of certain propositions as true, no proposition can be proved to be true to one who is sufficiently determined not to believe it.

— Logic and The Scientific Method, Cohen and Nagel, Harcourt, 1934, p19
