
Posted on 2008.10.31 at 15:09

1. Troubles - Master assassin and professional thief. Never turn your back on him.
2. Dirk - Iron jaw and fastest hands on the planet. He will fuck you up.
3. Hordor - Super human strength. His whole vocabulary consists of one word, "Hordor".
4. Tina the Telepath - Moves objects just by thinking about it.
5. Skeptical Sue - It is believed she can see into the souls of men and discern motives.
6. William - Philosopher, poet, warrior....also gay.
7. Radical Larry - This guy is all business all the time. Vibrates through walls, can burrow underground.


[info]kants at 2008-10-31 15:25 (Linkz)
[info]digna at 2008-10-31 15:26 (Linkz)
Man liekas, Tev jārealizējas tikai zem atslēgas, savādāk patiešām vēl atnāks tā Dana un atņems arī Tevi mums. :((
[info]spiritualized at 2008-10-31 15:32 (Linkz)
cik var slēpties? :S
[info]ttp at 2008-10-31 15:31 (Linkz)
kā saucas spēle jeb organizācija?
[info]spiritualized at 2008-10-31 15:32 (Linkz)
[info]ttp at 2008-10-31 15:32 (Linkz)
sounds like a good game ;)
[info]spiritualized at 2008-10-31 15:34 (Linkz)
it is
[info]freakart at 2008-10-31 15:49 (Linkz)
6. William - Philosopher, poet, warrior....also gay.
[info]rabarbermaize at 2008-10-31 15:57 (Linkz)
bail no 7.tā. šodien noteikti šis komplektinš dosies ielās draudot izjokot, ja neiztukšosim kabatas!
[info]sramgni at 2008-10-31 16:08 (Linkz)
Tie ir tavi pirksti tajā lietotājbildē?
[info]rabarbermaize at 2008-10-31 18:00 (Linkz)
tā gan (un nesaki, ka šķībi) :D
[info]sramgni at 2008-10-31 18:01 (Linkz)
Nē, dzelteni.
[info]rabarbermaize at 2008-10-31 18:10 (Linkz)
bija dzelteni un melni..tagad sarkani...rīt dabīgi!
[info]emoedgars at 2008-10-31 21:23 (Linkz)
o bļa, titārd!
[info]aroa at 2008-11-01 13:13 (Linkz)
8. Invisible Rob - Likes to smash dishes and hiding-in-wardrobe pranks
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