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blond From: [info]blond Date: August 11th, 2014 - 03:48 pm (Link)
Jesus. Kas ir Prohanovs, plīz?
snark From: [info]snark Date: August 11th, 2014 - 04:10 pm (Link)
Krievu literāts, un izskatās, ka gana atpazīstams un tur atzīts. Es gan no viņa esmu lasījis tikai svaigākos īsprozas darbus, kā, piemēram, iepriekš citētais, vai arī šis te.
blond From: [info]blond Date: August 11th, 2014 - 04:13 pm (Link)
ā, tad tā ir īsproza...
snark From: [info]snark Date: August 11th, 2014 - 04:20 pm (Link)
Katrā ziņā ne reportāža vai pētnieciskā žurnālistika. Ja nu vēl dzeja prozā.

rasbainieks From: [info]rasbainieks Date: August 11th, 2014 - 08:01 pm (Link)
One evening, I went to see Aleksandr Prokhanov, a far-right newspaper editor and novelist, whom I’ve known since the late eighties. In the Soviet period, he was known as the Nightingale of the General Staff, a writer commissioned to ride and chronicle the glories of nuclear subs and strategic bombers and to visit the Cold War battlefields of Kampuchea and Angola. He was a panegyrist of Stalin’s military-industrial state and the achievements of Sovietism. “No one,” he told me, “could describe a nuclear reactor like I could.”
blond From: [info]blond Date: August 11th, 2014 - 08:08 pm (Link)
wow. un laikam tā arī ir. tai aprakstā, protams, ir spēks!
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