falter ego
12 May 2009 @ 12:07 pm
The song(s) of the flying whales.

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falter ego
12 May 2009 @ 06:35 pm
Es zinu, ka jau esmu likusi, bet takš beidzot nomedīju visas trīs, turklāt pirmā beidzot ir bez pārlekuma otrās minūtes devītajā sekundē. Vot.

falter ego
12 May 2009 @ 10:21 pm
Ieslēdzu Eirovīziju.
- Oh, God, why are you watching that crap?
- I dunno, morbid curiosity, I guess.
- That's like laughing at sick and handicapped people.
- Yeah, but this is allowed!

(Neprasiet, kāpēc mēs mājās angliski runājam, we just do.)