Shelly -

Jan. 13th, 2009

02:08 pm

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Date:January 13th, 2009 - 02:29 pm
Pieņemu, ka jā. Netā gan netradu neko par vārdu "program", bet Oxford Dictionary piedāvā sekojošo skaidrojumu:


(US program)

• noun 1 a planned series of events. 2 a radio or television broadcast. 3 a set of related measures or activities with a long-term aim. 4 a sheet or booklet detailing items or performers at an event. 5 (program) a series of coded software instructions to control the operation of a computer or other machine.

• verb (programmed, programming; US programed, programing) 1 (program) provide (a computer) with a program. 2 cause to behave in a predetermined way. 3 arrange according to a plan or schedule.

— DERIVATIVES programmable adjective programmer noun.

— ORIGIN Greek programma, from prographein ‘write publicly’.

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