Shelly - Vēl viens citāts, bet šoreiz labs

Dec. 13th, 2011

01:31 pm - Vēl viens citāts, bet šoreiz labs

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[21:24:16] Daina : it's a quite huge generalisation, but i feel like difference between whining in LV and BG might be that in LV we whine all the time and we hate ourselves for that; in BG (and maybe Balkans in general) people actually enjoy whining, like they can sit on their benches for hours and hours and years and years whining how they don't have enough money or something
[21:25:10] Daina : like you do that to bond or something

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[User Picture]
Date:December 13th, 2011 - 01:33 pm
tiešām labs!
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[User Picture]
Date:December 13th, 2011 - 01:52 pm
Dievīgi :) Un tas noslēgums, par "shut up bitch if u havent" :)
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