Shanas biedrs

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00:48: Kā strādā ekonomikas glābšana - Īrijas piemērs :)

It is a slow day in a damp little Irish town. The rain is beating down and the streets are deserted. Times are tough, everybody is in debt and everybody lives on credit. On this particular day a rich German tourist is driving through the town, stops at the local hotel and lays a €100 note on the desk, telling the hotel owner he wants to inspect the rooms upstairs in order to pick one to spend the night. The owner gives him some keys and, as soon as the visitor has walked upstairs, the hotelier grabs the €100 note and runs next door to pay his debt to the butcher. The butcher takes the €100 note and runs down the street to repay his debt to the pig farmer. The pig farmer takes the €100 note and heads off to pay his bill at the supplier of feed and fuel. The guy at the Farmers' Co-op takes the €100 note and runs to pay his drinks bill at the pub. The publican slips the money along to the local prostitute drinking at the bar, who has also been facing hard times and has had to offer him "services" on credit. The hooker then rushes to the hotel and pays off her room bill to the hotel owner with the €100 note. The hotel proprietor then places the €100 note back on the counter so the rich traveler will not suspect anything. At that moment the traveler comes down the stairs, picks up the €100 note, states that the rooms are not satisfactory, pockets the money and leaves town. No one produced anything. No one earned anything. However, the whole town is now out of debt and looking to the future with a lot more optimism.



Date:6. Decembris 2010 - 00:56
baigi labs :)) atļāvos ielinkot tviterī.
Date:6. Decembris 2010 - 09:42
atradu līdzīgu piemēru - Dow Jones skaidro krīzi: Ja bārs strādātu kā banka:
Date:6. Decembris 2010 - 01:21
origjinaalajaa versijaa laikam figureeja Teksasa un dolaari :D
[User Picture]
Date:6. Decembris 2010 - 01:30
Vai nav tā, ka šis pacēla īru IKP par lērumu naudas?
[User Picture]
Date:6. Decembris 2010 - 08:29

Labs! :)
Date:6. Decembris 2010 - 10:43
Un kur ir problēma? Samaksa tika veikta par reāli sniegtiem/saņemtiem pakalpojumiem un pirktām/pārdotām pārdotām precēm, nevis atvasinātiem vērtspapīriem vai ko tamlīdzīgu.
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