Februāris 8., 2017

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19:45 - Piezīme
What about dimples and freckles and beauty marks in perfect places? What about banter and idiosyncrasies that make this dynamic dynamic? What about the power of the collision of your stories and the change produced because of it? What about her ability to make you feel supported, heard, and invincible and his way of making you feel safe without fists and a puffed out chest but with awareness and responsibility. What about building something together that doesn't fit in a box but sits on a table as a centerpiece. What if you redefined beauty as how someone makes you feel over how they looked. And what if you embraced instead of trying to change? What if you took all your ideas of types, attraction, a "good" relationship, and every judgment you have because of your past relationships, and started with just one thing, curiosity.

(4 piebilda | piebilst)


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Date:8. Februāris 2017 - 22:17
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Date:8. Februāris 2017 - 23:33
Tas pēdējais teikums mani šodien ļoti, ļoti. Paldies
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Date:8. Februāris 2017 - 23:39
Mani arī šis šodien ļoti, ļoti. Prieks, ja arī kādam citam!
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Date:9. Februāris 2017 - 08:52
master of procrastination - Piezīme

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