17 October 2016 @ 02:05 pm
uff, zviedrija. no vienas puses, skolu ēdināšanas vadlīnijās tik daudz info par veģetārām un vegāniskām opcijām, kas skolai jāpiedāvā (!jess!), no otras puses, šis - "Although a vegan menu can never be made entirely nutritious, it is important for students who choose to eat a vegan diet to have a diet which is as well thought-out possible, allowing them to make the best possible choices in the school restaurant."

nedaudz mulsinoši, kāpēc tāds "can never be made entirely nutritious", b12 tak var pievienot
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briinumcepuminjsh[info]french_mime on October 17th, 2016 - 02:25 pm
OMG LOL never

Yup, nothing nutritious about vegetables, legumes, grains, and fruit. Least nutritious products out there.. Nope, no macronutrients, no vitamins or minerals there at all.
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cukursēne[info]saccharomyces on October 17th, 2016 - 06:37 pm
ai, tas sīkums, zviedrija ir lieliska, paskaties, kas LV darās (man slinkums pārrakstīt, ielinkošu) https://www.facebook.com/edamatbildigi/posts/644148519089808
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extranjero[info]extranjero on October 17th, 2016 - 11:40 pm
Ha, ha. Cietumnieki jau izcīnīja no ECT tiesības uz veģetāru uzturu. Skolēniem ir mazāk tiesību nekā cietumniekiem. :D
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