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[Dec. 7th, 2005|10:44 pm]
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pavei, ko nospēru no [info]zurra:

Neil Armstrong's historic first words on moon: "Holy Living Fuck"

TRANQUILITY BASE: This is Tranquility Base. The Eagle has landed.
Jesus H. Christ, Houston, we're on the fucking moon. Over.

HOUSTON: Roger. Tranquility we copy you. We cannot believe you
are on the fucking moon. Repeat. Cannot fucking believe it. Over.

TRANQUILITY: It was a smooth touchdown. The moon for Christ's
sake, the moon. Over.

HOUSTON: Roger that. You're clear for TI, walking on the moon. Over.

TRANQUILITY: We copy. Walking on the moon. Jesus. Over.

HOUSTON: We read you. Over.

TRANQUILITY: I'm on the bottom rung of the ladder. Just one more
step and I'm... (long pause).

HOUSTON: Tranquility?

TRANQUILITY: Holy (pause) living (long pause) Fuck!

HOUSTON: Tranquility? Do you copy?

TRANQUILITY: Are you fucking believing this? Over.

HOUSTON: We read you. Over.

TRANQUILITY: I abso-fucking-lutely am standing on the surface
of the fucking moon. I am talking to you from the goddammed
fucking moon. Jesus H. Christ in a chicken basket.

HOUSTON: Holy Shit.

TRANQUILITY: Holy mother of fuck. The fucking moon. Over.

HOUSTON: A-fucking-affirmative. Over.

Date:December 7th, 2005 - 11:35 pm
The Evolution Control Committee, eh?

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